Best Remote $1,250 used preamp?

I need a new preamp, and refuse to give up full function remote control (volume and source selection). I have a budget of around $1k, but could go to $1250 for the right deal. What are the best options? I am thinking:

Conrad Johnson PFR
Bell Canto
Sonic Frontiers Line 1

I have a Sonograph amp now, but it is next on the upgrade list. Have Golden Tube SEP2 now for the pre.

re: Adcom GFP-750 Yes,it is a Nelson Pass design but it almost stops there.Adcom took the design and went running with it.I didn't turn out true to the original design.
The reliability is hit and miss also.There's lots of defective units being repaired by a less than concerned company.Plus the reviews are weird.For all the + reviews there are as many - reviews.
I think its one of the most confusing products in a long time.
Rogue,Melos,Cary are sure winners.
If you like the tube pre sound I would suggest sticking with it. BAT VK3i is in your ball park and was designed to work with either ss or tube gear. I think you will find it to be sweeter than the Sonic Frontiers. I think the pre you are running now is a little sweeter than the BAT.

The Rogue 66 is quite a different animal ( IMHO ) than the BAT. Not as sweet but does sound quite good from top to bottom. I do find it to be just a bit noisey if you put it in with equipment costing twice as much. But for your application it would be perfect. If you get reall lucky you may find a Rogue 99 pre for $1250.

You might also try to find a CJ tube pre. I think I saw a pv14al ( or something like that ) on auction here. But there are other CJ tube pre's you might look into as well. VTL has improved ( I think ) there 2.5 pre as well, but I have never heard it with a ss amp.

Your cables are also warm sounding, so I'm guessing you like the warm sound. Have you ever thought of purchasing a tube amp to go with your pre? I think you will be surpiresd how much better it will sound with your tube pre.
The Aloia preamp bettered a $6000 pre in my system. Still one of the steals or should I say reasonably priced products in all highend
Try finding a used Kora Eclipse. It sounds extremely dimensional. Has RCA as well as Balanced outs. Phono stage, outboard power supply. We are talking a different league. We know, we have had the steals and deals:) IOHO