best used amp pre-amp combo for a grand

For those who have been around (audio) for a while. Could you tell me what is the best (used) deal going for an amp/pre-amp combo. For music only-running Klipsh Heresys
I was going to suggest the PV-10AL before I even read the above statements.

A PV-10 paired with McCormack's micro would be absolutely heavenly.

The Micro sounds even better than the DNA.5 (which sounds better than the DNA 1, which sounds better than the DNA 2... you get the picture.)

McCormack's amps sound worse (but it never gets bad)as you move up the wattage ladder.

For Klipsch speakers, you really don't need (even) 50 watts per side.

I haven't heard the CJ solid state stuff, but the tube products are very nice sounding.

I no longer own any CJ, but my first "high end" (haha) piece was a brand new PV-10AL.

good luck!!
Integrateds are the best value right now. Look at Anthem, Rotel, NAD and older Conrad Johnson integrateds. They should all have adequate power and can be had for much less than a grand.
I agree with Tracer on the DNA.5 amp, but if you wanted to add the tube effect, you could substitute a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 hybrid pre-amp for the Micro-Drive. This might put you a bit over $1000., but I don't think by much. Good Luck, and Cheers. Craig
I would go for a nice integrated.. for the money..
Try a Musical fidelity A300.. very nice piece supposed class a design and true dual mono.. Great binding posts and very musical with tons of bottom end... the klipschs will sing. The Krell 300i is a little pricer but still nice..
If i had to pick separates.. go for a b and k Pro 10 mc for about 300.00 and spend the rest on an aragon 8002 dual mono... that is a killer combination.. Try to get an 8002 with xlr.. the pro 10 has xlr outs and is a sweet preamp with a passive mode and external power supply.. great piece..
"I do want to be able to run speakers in 4 locations."

Better check Audio by Van Alstine's integrated amp. The professor knows what he's doing...and his amps are designed for long speaker runs. I heard his stuff at the Chicago Audio Society last November--truly outstanding, affordable high end gear.

BTW, I heard that Musical Fidelity A300 in Ann Arbor last month and sounded AWFUL. Read my post "Voodoo in Ann Arbor."