Best SS 200 wpc amps

I need a high current power amp for my B&W speakers. My system is Sony SCD-777ES into BAT VK-30SE to B&W 803 Matrix Series II speakers. My current amp is a SS Kinergetics Class A 75 wpc (rated at 130 wpc Stereophile). I want to upgrade to something reasonable and probably look for something used. I want something that is fast, dymanic, handles macro/micro swings, sweet mids, airy hi's and controlled bass. The B&Ws seem to love high currrent amps with some watts.

My list so far looks like Krell FPB-200, Sim Audio W-5, Rowland, Pass x-250, McCormack DNA -225 & maybe Edge. What do you suggest?

Add the Musical Fidelity A300cr (225 wpc - dual mono - choke regulated) to your list. I'm using one with N804 speakers and it just rocks. Well controlled bass, gorgeous mids, and clear, airy highs. MF and B&W gear mate extremely well.
Check out
I'm using one of thier 100 wpc with a simple tube pre amp and have never been happier.
you should consider the Gryphon S - 100, which you may be able to find used for 3000-4000$.By far superior to Classe 201, which is a nice amp but not the same class as the Gryphons.Good luck.
I would suggest spending a little more money and swinging for the FPB300 (not the "x" version).
The 300 has a much larger power supply and sounds smoother. I use it on the mid/high section of my actively bi-amped B&W800's. The sound is WONDERFUL!

Have fun,
I know someone who went to the B&W factory and they had Levinson amps plugged into the N800s for what it's worth. I know Electrocompaniet makes some nice high-current designs and even named their Nemo amp to coincide with the Nautilus line, so that may be worth a look too. I recently got a Marsh A400s to demo and to say the least I am extremely impressed, and it is a screaming bargain at around $2k. Best of luck.
