Upgrading to Analog Preamp for 2k


My soon to be 2 channel system will be:

A good CD player (TBD, but likely to be a Rega Planet 200 until the format wars end) -> EAD Ovation -> EAD PowerMaster 2000 -> Revel Ultima Studios, cabling all with Nordost Red Dawn II and some power cords I haven't decided on. All cabling is subject to change, but that isn't the point of this post :)

Its a hard room, with some treatments, and the music is acoutic and jazzy.

I want to change the EAD Ovation for a tubed-pre that will accurately and quickly handle music. Accuracy and spatiality is key, as is reliability. Something good looking would be nice, too. My budget is $2k for either a new or used preamp. No need for a phono stage - yet. Anyone have some suggestions?
There is an Air Tight ATC 3 on here for $2K, I have the next model up, the ATC1 and love it. Clear, liquid and non-fatiguing. I'm sure the sound is very similar, build quality is also excellent, all point to point wired. Good luck!
My vote goes toward the Coplands. I had a CSA 303, went to a Hovland HP100 and went back to a Copland with the CTA 305. The Coplands give me more image body and density while retaining the openess. They look great too. Copland does not get a lot of press over here which is a shame.
JWMAZUR - What do you think of having an integrated phono stage? Did you compare the copland to other preamps available in the used market for about the same price?