Used Pass 600monos or Rowland 8TiHC?

This amps are now out of production and the price of used ones has been down to around 7000USD on the net. So what to choose? Anyone with experince with this amps? I will use it drive my Audio Artistry Beethoven main panels. Any better options for 7000USD?
I just bought a pair of Pass X-600's. They are the best amplifiers I have ever owned. They are a significant improvement over my previous amps, the Pass Aleph 1.2 monoblocks in all areas with the exception of the midrange. In that area, I give the nod to the Aleph. I think the pricing of the 600's on the used market is more an indication of the state of the economy right now than anything else. Luxury items (and I consider audio a luxury item) are selling at lower than normal prices. Same thing can be said of expensive watches and cars. Prices are low because it is a buyers market.

Just my two cents worth.
I too, would probably opt for Pass over Rowland IN THIS APPLICATION. For other options... I saw a Symphonic Line Kraft 250 clas A on sale here some days ago for around yr budget. Excellent speed, attack, and natural timbres. 10kOhm input impedance, however!
My vote is for Pass Labs. I have a few pieces of Pass Labs equipment and enjoy all of it. I realize that there is a lot of top notch gear from other manufacturers, too. That is why I use customer service and management of a manufacturer to tip the scales on equipment purchases.

When thinking of buying a piece of equipment, if I can't find the answer from the distributor or web site, I call the mfgr. I can tell you that at Pass Labs, Peter Perkins and Wayne Colburn have always been very generous with their time when I have had questions. They listen to comments and are truly concerned with the products usage and customers' needs and perceptions. I can never say enough good things about them. I certify that I have no affiliation with Pass Labs except as a very satisfied customer.

All one needs to do is read an Pass Labs amp manual (found on their website) and you know that Pass Labs is a company that cares about their customers.

Best Regards,

Never owned a Rowland or heard one for that matter, but I can tell you I had a pair of Aleph 2's. And the customer service at Pass was second to none.
I've had both the Rowland 9Ti's and the Pass 600's, both of which I just sold. The Rowland s had a "sweet" sound but were really unresolving and kind of boring. The Pass' were livelier and much more resolving, but not as sweet a midrange (vocals). I had the JC-1's for 10 days and they were superb. Resolving , sweet-sounding, imaging, you name it. They blew away the Rowlands and the Pass" in listenability, if I can coin a word.The only weakness in MY system was at relatively high volumes, they became distorted. Now I have vicious speakers to drive, Avalon Osiris with a nominal 4 ohm impedance, but with what is charitably described as a difficult load. I may get the JC-1's, only I plan to audition the big Krells first. As Always, YMMV.

David Shapiro