Which amplifier???

I have a Rogue Audio preamp and Vandersteen 2CE speakers, and am wanting to replace my very old solid state amp with something newer and more musical. I'm wanting to spend less than $1000 and am thinking of a used Mccormack DNA-1, Aragon ST8008, or a Rogue Audio 88, and at this point am feeling neurotic and indecisive. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Vandersteen speakers sound pretty nice with McCormack amps in my set-up. Unless your room is really big or you play at very high levels, I would consider a DNA 0.5 Rev. B before a DNA 1.0 std or dlx. Then you could eventually move up to a 2nd 0.5 for vertical bi-amping. I liked the 0.5 better than the 1.0 with my Vandy 2cis
if sell your preamp you can stretch o plinius 8100 or 8200 one of the integrated amps(8200 is with phono). they have a large margin working in class A and sound tubey and musical in midrange far more musical than DNA1.
I have heard Vandies running with Musical FIdelity intergrated...it sounded very,very good..huge soundstage
There is a great deal on the Belles 150 A amp for $550 I just saw which is a bargin.