Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??

Just wondering who might be the absolute youngest Audiogoner to use this site and is a regular member?

If you are young, and think you may indeed be the youngest member, step forward and tell us your age and system. I think it might be cool to see how they differ from older members systems...
This is for fun, now be honest, we may ask you to prove it!

Hey! I'm old (48) but my 4 year old always says "thumbs up Daddy" when he sees the hand on the home page......he's not a member yet but I think he should get an honorable mention! Merry Christmas!!
I am 21 and was 18-19 when I started posting here, the years do seem to fly and it doesn't appear to slow down! There are a bunch of us tar magots who posted all of our systems on the virtual system with in the same week- it was kind of cool to see the system's of my peers. HAPPY HOLIDAYS- YOUNG or those YOUNG at HEART!