Inexpensive tweak

Just got back from a business trip to find that our cat had thrown up on my Audible Illusions preamp (unfortunately vented on top). Everything was dried up. Haven't looked inside yet. Not sure how to clean a circuit board. But I've noticed that my system is more revealing than before. I won't share details of exactly where on the preamp my cat got sick because I might want to try to market this tweak sometime in the future. :-)
This tweak might actually turn out to be quite expensive should your cat need to be seen and treated by a vet for his upset stomach!
- Nice cat: $500
- Things damaged around the house trying to feed it with a vomitive: $350
- Medical bills for you and the cat: $250
(Your wife leaving you after seeing it all: priceless)

*Inexpensive* tweak?
I've always found that regurgitated dry cat food has been more benefical for my components than regurgitated canned cat food. Purina kitten formula is by far the best in my auditioning so far.
Rockyboy-- funniest thread I've seen in a long, long time-- laughed by butt off. You've obviously got a great sense of humor about an unfortunate incident-- thanks for sharing! Cheers. Craig

PS: I'll give you $500. for your cat. I've got a tube pre-amp too;>) Cheers. Craig
I can't tell if you're serious or not, but this actually happened to me twice. Miss Willis first threw up on my Pioneer DVD/Laser. Cat voimit is highly corrosive and it destroyed a circuit board. I took it back to the dealer, explain what happened and they fix it at no charge. Being a regular buying customer does have its occassional benefits. The second incident was 18 months later and Miss Willis voimitted on a Sony ES power amp. Again circuit boards were ruined. I returned the unit to Sony and they refused to honor their warranty citing owner abuse.

Since in each case the throwed up over unit stopped working, I can only comment that cat voimit as a tweak does produce blacker blacks and improved intertransient silence, YMMV.

My serious advice is to immediately have your unit professionally serviced.