Round 2: Tubes amps, no ss discussion

Thanks for all the input on the first round. Let's look at Manley vs. Consonance vs. your choice. Here are the criteria. Running 85db mini monitors with passive woofer system that just image out of this world. They are clean, natural, accurate and musical. I have a CJ MV 60 and am potentially seeking a slightly more dynamic and aggressive sound without giving up anything that the CJ offers. Price - up to 4K. If there is a SS amp that you think fits the bill, please mention it. Or, is a tube transplant a solution?
Check out the autoformers at, they might allow for a better match between your current amp and speakers.
I am facing similar situation! Everything is there, sweet detailed, but it is too far out, way behind the speakers. You might not have to spend much more $ for the ** amp to get your speakers come to life?! But that will be at the expense of something else that only your tube amp does. I decided not to experiment with ** amps! Get another MV60 and use it as mono? If you can! Or change your speakers.

You said: ... no SS discussion?
Eldragon-- Thanks for the input. The speakers are alive, but there is just something about the sound. I am not sure if I am still suffering from Bedini-itis (gave up my old 25/25s) of if it is that I am running the system passive. Could even be the front end. Maybe I also need to go the next step in cables. Noooo, not that again. Could be that the MV 60 and speakers are there and I do not want to stop.

But the idea of two MV 60's is interesting. More of everything for each speaker. Two with EL 34s or two with 6550s?

How many marriages have you broken up with your ideas? Does anyone have a garage apartment for rent?

OK, I will open the door. I admit that I have been looking at the dark side. What SS recommendations do you have? I have been eyeing Blue Circle and other CJ amps. I am intriqued with 47 Labs but am not sure if the dollar:sound ratio is there or even the power. And, of course vintage and modified DNAs of for that matter, new McCormicks.
Just had an interesting discussion with someone in St Louis belonging to an audio internet DIY club. Someone claims to have taken apart a 47 Labs amp to find cheap parts. The group was able to price out these parts and found the retail cost of the amp should be less than half of what it is. This is based on parts/labor ratio and getting the product to market.

Vertical bi-amping sounds like a viable alternative (see Cary Audio website for description) unless the c-j is a soft sounding amp. If so, two of them will not remove what's designed into them. By the way,do you have Spendor speakers?

You also might look into Transcendent Sounds OTLs starting at 25wts for stereo version and going up substantially in power from there. Sold only over the internet. You can try them out for a couple of weeks and will only cost the shipping charges.