Audio Research sp 11 compared to the sp 10

Am looking for an AR sp 11, but have had no luck. There's a sp 10 on ebay (plus a sp 11 that has four days left) The sp 10 is still under $1100 with time to run out tomorrow. What's the difference between the two AR pre-amps? Is the sp 11 that much better than the 10? TIA
Ag insider logo xs@2xdmcneilly
SP10 vs newer stuff: I'm not sure I would readily chose a contemporary pre over a well maintained -- perhaps tweaked -- SP10.
The sound is lush but bold and clear. It is inviting and charming with nice tonal "colours" (to my ears). Newer pre's would be perhaps more dynamic & voiced to create an illusion of more resolution in the upper register. Don't forget, however, that new designs may benefit from components that were not available in the same quality years ago (that you can upgrade in the sp10 anyway...).

Also remember, the design & workmanship on the 10 are good: IMO an SP10 would have to be compared to upmarket "newer stuff"... i.e. expensive newer stuff. Dare I say that a top-notch SP10 may even be compared to AR's own ref2, for example...but that's just my taste!
Both the SP-10 and SP-11 are very capable preamps. They both have different sound signature and have their equal share of strengths and weaknesses.

Both of the above preamps will sound wonderful and magical under the hand of a capable audiophile.

I believe that modern preamp design already reaching its peak during the mid/late 80's. There is no break through in preamp design after that. The major break through is only on the price of the preamp....getting more and more expensive....

I once owned a ARC Ref 1 and it was in my shelf for only 5 hrs and I sold it on Gon the next day.
I agree that any quality preamp whenever it was made will work very well. I owned a sp11 for many years and enjoyed it very much. I do feel however that todays ( high end ) electronics have the advantage of using better parts that that where not avaliable back 15 years ago. I do feel todays top preamps sound more like live music!
I have a very nice SP11 I will be listing on GON soon I would like $1700.00 please call or e-mail me,thanks Ed 810.227.8435. I think it sounds great, but I'm going to an active LINN system.