Q. about ARC LS5; & running an all balanced system

I've been thinking of upgrading my pre-amp for a long time. I have a VTL TL2.5 now w/phono which I really like actually, but just have an itch to find out what a more expensive pre-amp would sound like in my system. I had been thinking of an ARC LS25 MkII, but reading comments of A'goners about the LS5 has got me leaning in that direction (hopefully a MKIII). Now, I know about the 10 tubes, & that it has only balanced connnections (neither seem like positives IMO, but not "deal-breakers" for me), & I've noted all the advice I could find about diff. kinds of tubes to use. Can anyone give me further info. on this unit, when it was produced, any dates of old reviews, pictures even--I've never even seen one. Does it have the older ARC cosmetics---black with white markings as I recall? And are they noisy at all?

Also, I don't have one single cable with XLR connections now. Has anyone gone to running an all balanced system from scratch w/o going broke on Interconnects? I read on one of the threads here that you can use less expensive balanced IC's (compared to SE IC's--there is less of a sonic difference between diff. bal. IC's?) & still get good results--any opinions on that? One good thing is that I don't have much of an investment in inter-connects yet anyway.

If I got one of these puppies (LS5) I might look for an ARC PH2 phono pre also. Originally, I was thinking of a PH3SE, but they're pricey & maybe a PH2 would do it for me.

Finally the rest of my system--Cary 303/200 (has balanced outs, I think), Fanfare tuner (ditto), ARC VT100 MkII, Rega P25 w/Benz Glider, alternating between Merlin TSM-M speakers & B&W M802SIII's.

Thanks in advance for any advice or info. on all this!
Oh My! The LS2 never had any business as a Stereophile rated Class A product. So many of such ratings were pure nonsense and the LS2 was a clear example as was the LS3. At least they finally were honest with the LS22's B rating!

Sorry, but the LS2 is so far away from the LS5 caliber. Nobody would ever know they were from the same company. The LS2 is analytical and 2 dimensional while the LS5 brings on a level of musicality that is quite involving....takes you back to the early 80s of the SP8 and SP10. And no matter how many XLR connectors an LS2 has, only when the LS5 came along did a truly balanced line stage from ARC exist. The LS2 add additional circuit stages to achieve pseudo balanced inputs and outputs....but all the internals are single ended circuits.....seems so silly that this was ever done.

So Steve, take a listen to the LS2 just for the experience, but then try out the LS5 and you will know what I mean here.

Pretty much agree with Jafox regarding the LS5 pre. One of
the very best ARC ever made.

That being said, I prefer the mkII incarnation to the mkIII.
I've had my LS5mkII since mid-95 and passed on the mkIII
upgrade. I felt it too analytical with my big ARC D-400mkII
solid-state amps. It lost a lot of the bloom that I feel
makes the mkII version so special.

Maybe the mkIII is more synergistic with tube amps, the mkII
with solid-state? Not sure, but I don't think you can go
wrong either way.
LS5mk2- all tube/ss power supply
LS5mk3- hybrid tube/ ss power supply
Two different animals.
I own an LS 5 MKII and owned an LS 2 MK II
no contest - the LS5 is musical, resolving, engaging
the LS2 has a shrill high end and sounds constrained

ps you can get cheater plugs and run your rca interconnects with the plugs to the balanced connections(ARC or Radio Shack) of the preamp.

I would run balanced to your ARC amp, worth the extra cable
