The passing of another legend...

I don't know if this thread has already started somewhere else, but I just read that on 5/25/03, David Hafler passed away. I am sad. The Hafler DH200 was my first venture into high-end and since Hafler catered to the "budget-minded", this little amplifier carried me through tough times in college and beyond. This little amplifier, mated with my Vandersteen 2B's, gave me many, many hours of pleasurable listening. Thank you David Hafler for giving all the poor folks (like myself back then) a little taste of high end. You will be missed.
I also started with a DH 200amp, a Hafler preamp and Theil O3A speakers.
Thanks David for opening all of the doors to high end audio and all of the pleasure that it has brought me. A true genius who will be sadly missed.
I remember my excitement when I first assembled my DH-200 Amp and the 110 Pre-Amp...I was a young kid with nearly zero disposable income, and I was so proud to be the owner of Hafler equipment. Guys like Hafler confirm that, although no-one gets out of here alive, what you do with your time can matter to other people. Thanks to David Hafler I received my first real taste of a hobby that has since consumed much of my free time and brought me great enjoyment.

May God bless David Hafler.
Like many of you, my first was a DH200 amp, a 101 pre and Large Advents...gez..sure was easier then...everything sounded good..thanks DH.....RIP
I'm sorry to hear that he's gone. My first decent integrated amp was a Dynaco SCA-80. I bought it in the early 1970s, I still have it, it's still working (albeit with some servicing along the way), and it still sounds good. I've also got an SCA-35 stashed away, and an FM-5 tuner. I've got some newer equipment now, such as an NAD C-340 amp, but the Dyna equipment has held up remarkably well over time.
I just read in the Philadelphia Enquirer Obituary that David Hafler, age 84, died in a Philadelphia Hospice of complications from Parkinson's disease.