Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?

Since Audiogon removed the first thread related to the ART SLA-1 amplifier based on reasoning I can't really make sense of, I will re-post being careful not to advertise services. I would simply like to read peoples exerience with the unit as compared to other amplifiers. I believe some people were about to post their findings when the post went the way of the DoDo. Now, lets see if this is good enough to not get axed after having nearly 60 responses.

I missed the thread that was cut.

D911: Do you have a commercial interest in the ART SLA-1 product. May I ask what services you were advertising? Guess I am curious about why the thread was cut. If Agon wants to comment on that point that would be helpful too.

I remain,
I say leave this thread alone.
AudiogoN members can decide for themselves the merits of this thread.
If this guy has a killer product for a low price I think its a service to us 'poor folks'
Moderators please leave this in!!
I for one would like to hear any thoughts on the sound of this little amp........anyone?
I vote to leave the thread in !

Time will tell if the amp is praiseworthy and the price of admission is cheap. So where's the problem with leaving the thread here ?

Unless the problem is that this little amp truly is capable of embarrassing some of the big boys amp's much like the ART DIO has done to some DAC's.
Just to be clear.

I'm not against threads with folks who have commercial interests so I agree with David and Ears above. Often they are knowledgeable because they deal with things every day and we are all amateurs. If D911 has them who cares if they are disclosed. On the other hand "anonymous" (puppet) posts from people with commercial interests are intolerable.

It is somewhat difficult to balance commercial interests with valuable advice but it is certainly possible and can make for a better forum. Rives' excellent contributions on room acoustics come to mind. Disclosure and a certain restraint (which is rather hard to describe) is important though.

I was just wondering why the information in the thread was removed. If the moderators thought that there were commercial interests being unfairly presented at least I can understand their motive and thinking in removing the post.(and as I said above I missed the thread and have no idea of its content) Otherwise it appears as some sort of censorship that makes you wonder along the lines of Fiddler's last sentence.

I remain,