I stumbled upon the thread in question last week while doing due diligence on the Parasound JC-1. It made for a fascinating read, especially when D911 admitted to doing mods for the SLA-1. I assume Audiogon removed the thread because they rightly saw it as a shameless commercial effort (badly) disguised as a question, "What's the best amp you ever heard?" I think they were acting to preserve the integrity of the site, and I applaud them for it.
That said, I have to tell you I was intrigued enough to buy the amp, for fun. I just spent the weekend with it, and I can say without hesitation that it's a pretty worthy little amp that didn't embarrass itself in my $50,000 system. Plenty of caveats and reservations, though, which I'd like to explore in a separate review. I think this amp deserves some exposure, so a thread should be started by someone who hasn't already used up their credibility. I'll try to post tonight, when I have more time, or I'll add to another thread started by a trustworthy member.
I hope I haven't offended you, D911, but you really did blow it with that post last week. Run an ad, it's cheap, and I'd probably call you.