Alot of preamp questions

Wow, am I ever having a hard time deciding which preamp to get for my system. Sunfire 300 wpc amp, new tube 4000 w/o upgrades, and Legacy Signature lll's. I do have a limit though on cash. I would like to spend $500 but what I'm seeing online for what I hear is good, I'm up to $800 to $1000. I'm looking at Deware ZSLA-1, Grounded Grid Kit, Foreplay wholedeal, ARC(ls2,ls3,ls5) Audible illusions 3a, Adcom GFP-750. Problem here is I don't get to hear any of them, so I'd like to get some input from the pro's out there who have been through similar problems way in there past. Thanks in advance Kelly
Kelly, try to limit your choice with the help of audiogoners here.
When you have your "shopping list" start buying on audiogon when the price is good. You will always have the chance to resell it if does not fit your taste.
In my experience synergy is more important than the amp itself.
Find your milestone product, anchor to it and change the rest.

Hope I expressed myself correctly, I am not from an English speaking country.
Any of the pre-amps, mentioned, would be a good choice! You could also ad some to the list, but would only confuse and make your decision more difficult. All of them sound different, and have different features. Some are bare bone tube, massive hybrids, or solid state. For $500, you wont be able to get Audible Illusions 3 or Adcom 750. You might be able to negotiate ARC. Good Luck!
Another to add to the list is the FT Audio Little Wonder ... a passive linestage that lists for @ $500 new. Hard to beat for the $$$. Should work well with the Sunfire. The Audible Illusions is a very good preamp but if you don't need a phono stage you are paying for this feature as well.