Full-function/Phono-only vs. Line + Phono Stage?

Hi Everyone,

I am in need of a new preamp. My system is VINYL ONLY. I do not know if I should get a Full-function or a phono-only(like an EAR 834P/ArtAudio Vinyl 1) or a good separate line-stage and separate phono stage. I was thinking that a separates set-up would add more coloration given the need for an extra set of interconnects + the need to run through the linestage, thus a longer signal path. Although, it appears that there are some very good add-on phono stages out there. I don't know. Any comments or opinions?

Thanks in advance!
You need to look into the Supratek Syrah. It is a tube pre
amp with a built in tube phono stage. Both are excellant
performers, absolutely the best in it's price range ($3500

Check out the "Pre amp deal of the century" thread under amps and pre amps in the discussion forums. It's as beauti-full to look at, as it is to listen to. I am not very good at descriptions of musical performance, but many of the cats in the thread are. It's a pretty fair education on a superb product.

Do yourself a huge favor and check it out, it's a huge thread so pace yourself so that you dont get overwhelmed

When I decided to buy one I was very fortunate to buy mine from a very fine AudioGon member who was selling his in
favor of a very high dollar pre, there is a 6 to 8 month
wait for a new one as they are made for you on order.

Go to www.supratek.biz for a peek

You can hardly go wrong with the Vinyl 1, but I may have some advice which would save you some $$. I just received my custom built K&K Audio preamp, which is the Art Audio Vinyl Reference + Stevens & Billington TVC. This unit was specially made for me by Kevin Carter, who is the designer of the Vinyl Reference. For about 1K less than the Vinyl 1, you can have the top dog, and this is completely turnkey. You can have it for less than that if you want to build it from a kit.

Either way, check with Kevin. This guy really knows his shit.

My first choice would be cj art/15 phono or ARC ref + ref phono. But if your not the Donald I would suggest the ARC sp16 it's great and it takes up less space and it cost 1/4 or less of the price of the big boys but it will still give you a taste of audio heaven
Manley Steelhead has one of the most flexible phono stages for different cartridge users and all so has a killer linestage. Excellent company to deal with