Teajay, when I choose gear for my two systems primal goal was to create two excellent but, different sounding systems. No.1 system is simply breathtaking sounding, it is illuminating(not bright!) with best extension is bass and treble that I ever heard. Soundstage is biggest that I heard so far with excellent focus and detail(for the first time I have a feeling that I am in the Jazz club listening to Coltrane live!). Music has holographic presentation, without any sign of grain! It is almost sweet sounding but, with huge drama. Also, it has the best 'silence' behinde the soundstage. Microdynamics are amazing as are macrodynamics. PRAT are in the league of their own...
No.2 System is more easier on ears(legato) sounding. Warmer balanced with more midrange presence(but, this is a pleasing coloration-I am aware of that!) and not so much bass extension or tightness. PRAT is very good , rather than excellent and details are not presented in that surgical precision...
Both systems are eqally excellent with music types that I use to listen-classic,jazz and rock. No.1 system is definitely bringing me closer to live music! On the other hand No.2 system is probably more enjoyable on long listening sessions(but, live concerts last only few hours tops, so...). If I had to choose only one between these two? No.1 without any question but, I am very lucky that I do not have to do that!
My inner mood is almost allways leading me to one system or the other.
'Soultrane' is breathtaking on both of my systems and better then anywhere else I heard it(except those lucky one who were able to enjoy John live!)!
More info with pictures on my system thread in few months...
No.2 System is more easier on ears(legato) sounding. Warmer balanced with more midrange presence(but, this is a pleasing coloration-I am aware of that!) and not so much bass extension or tightness. PRAT is very good , rather than excellent and details are not presented in that surgical precision...
Both systems are eqally excellent with music types that I use to listen-classic,jazz and rock. No.1 system is definitely bringing me closer to live music! On the other hand No.2 system is probably more enjoyable on long listening sessions(but, live concerts last only few hours tops, so...). If I had to choose only one between these two? No.1 without any question but, I am very lucky that I do not have to do that!
My inner mood is almost allways leading me to one system or the other.
'Soultrane' is breathtaking on both of my systems and better then anywhere else I heard it(except those lucky one who were able to enjoy John live!)!
More info with pictures on my system thread in few months...