To preamp or not to preamp???

I have been lookig for a tube preamp to mate with my Pass Labs X-250. There are several I would concider, the Supratek middle of the liine model, Thor 1000, and maybe a Joule new 150. Today I placed a friends modded Metronome tube CDP direct into the Pass X-250 bypassing my preamp and now I am thinking of replacing my Sony SCD-777ES with a better CDP with volume control first, there are several that have been discussed on Agon, Wadia, AA, RA Opyus 21, Accuphase, Cary, Levinson.

So what is your recommendtation for me:

1. Get a better CDP with volume control to run direct for now until I can get more funds to get a really good preamp?

2. Get a really good preamp and then repalce the Sony when I can afford the upgrade?

3. Or, I could probably get a really good preamp now and also get my Sony CDP modded by Richard Kern ($1000 available funds for a mod on the Sony) as a third option until I could save up for a better CDP.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I'm using a Shanling CD T100 direct without pre amp and like it better that way. Do you need a pre amp for any other components in your system? If your planning on buying a new CDP sooner or later, do it first and compare no pre amp to with pre amp.
To preamp or not to preamp depends entirely on what's important to you in musical playback.

I've tried passive pres and while the sound seemed more balanced, I felt the soundfield flattened and became lifeless. I greatly preferred having any of the tube preamps I owned in the signal path.

My preference in listening seems to be completely counter to what Kenscollick suggests, and I realize I'm probably in the minority in that regard.

So I think if you're looking for attributes a good tube preamp can introduce to the sound go that direction. And if you'd rather the preamp get out of the way try a passive preamp or look for a CDP with volume control.

Good luck!
I've tried removing my tube preamp (which I don't actually need) but cannot even make it through one song before it goes back in the chain. I love what my Wright WPA12 does for my system (a more palpable musical presentation).
Most sources today put out sufficient voltage to drive power amps into clipping, so gain from a preamp isn't needed. Placette audio and Bent audio both make execellent passive attenuators that will do what you need done and preserve the transparency you've discovered. Both companies offer a money back if you don't like the unit.
