weak link/improvement to my system: advice


I love Audiogon forums where I have received a lot of great advice so thanks in advance.

My hope was to get insight as to what you might think would be weak links or improvements to my system. (If someone dislikes a particular brand I don't think it is helpful however to say yuck krell sucks or wilson is overpriced). I thought perhaps the speaker cable but then read an article by the founder of McIntosh who lambasted the need to get a reall expensive speaker cable like Vahalla. Ok enough with the caveats.

I have the following:

2. KRELL 400CX
3. BAT (Balanced Audio Technology) 51SE Tube Preamp
4. Cary 306-200 cd player
5. Cardas Golden Reference cable XLR between Preamp/Amp
6. Nordost Quattro Fil cable XLR between Preamp/CD
7. Nordost Red Dawn Speaker Cable
I guess when it comes to "upgrading" these uber-expencive rigs, Brainwater is definatly the guy to ask.
Ditto on upgrading the Red Dawn's. I've a/b'd those against the Stealth UR's and the UR's just let much more of the music come through. The RD's sound closed-in and muted in comparison.
Also, how is your system set up? A dedicated room? Power considerations? (cords, conditioning, dedicated circuits, etc.). Have you checked the room with an analyzer for optimum speaker and seating location? Does it need any room treatment and/or EQ?
You've got some nice equipment and with proper set up and cable and i/c matching, it should make you :-)
Happy Listening!
I would take a long and hard look at your room, maybe contact someone like Rives and have them work up a plan for your room.

Your system (If you like it's sonic signature at this point) and only dislike a few of it's traits could reap huge gains, much more than any cable change could give.

The only other change that may give instant results would be a change of source IMO, not that the Cary is not a great player..BUT, cdp's do have their own sonic signature they bring to the table in your price range. I would think that the Krell and Wilson's could be steared in many directions.
