forgive me for being clueless...
but my rudimentary understanding of polarity is that it refers to the +/- charges delivered to the speaker.
As long as both speakers are running the +'s at the same time is there really an issue?
I use a Rogue Magnum 66 currently running to a Rogue m88 and have my +'s on the amp to the +'s on the speakers.
Are you saying that I really should reverse the speaker wires into the amp?
but my rudimentary understanding of polarity is that it refers to the +/- charges delivered to the speaker.
As long as both speakers are running the +'s at the same time is there really an issue?
I use a Rogue Magnum 66 currently running to a Rogue m88 and have my +'s on the amp to the +'s on the speakers.
Are you saying that I really should reverse the speaker wires into the amp?