Won't preamps become obsolete?

I'm in the market for a new preamp because I want to upgrade from my Conrad Johnson PV10A. I listen mostly to vinyl but some CD and hopefully SACD some day so I need a preamp to integrate sources. As I look at the used preamp ads on A'gon, however, I notice more and more people saying that they are selling their preamp because they are going directly from a cd player with volume control into an amp. As vinyl wanes (never with me!) will the preamp follow suit or become more oriented towards integrating home theatre digital video and audio sources?
If you listen to vinyl you must have a preamp. Try hooking your turntable right up to the amp (LOL)!
I listen to vinyl on a Linn LP12 and to digital on a TEAC VRDS T1 / Apogee DA1000E. My amps are Shanling SP-80 monoblocs with built-in electronic volume control. I could run CD playback straight to the amplifiers but I choose not to because there is an optimal amp volume setting ( -30dB ). So I put everything through the Klyne preamp and use its volume control, and feel I am getting the best that way.

So for me, running without a preamp is an option if you have only one source which is not vinyl, and if your volume control is excellent at all levels. For other systems, preamps will remain useful.
Audiophiles will always have a pre-amp since they will laways use vinyl as their primary music source! : )
With a few rare exceptions, intrernal volume controls are lacking in the bloom of analog. I do have a preamp fro you with built-in MM/MC phono. Check out my ad BVaudio P1
Even when comparing the sound of a stock Sony SACD player I find the sound more involving and dynamic when run through an active preamp such as my Aesthetix.

A while back I had both the Shanling and Lindemann CD players. I experimented with direct out (both transistor and tube buffer) on the Shanling, only to prefer using it’s output into my pre.

With the Lindemann, I ran it’s output into my Aesthetix Callisto and a top notch passive unit, with everyone preferring the sound of the active. This same experiment was performed a couple of years ago with a Sony SCD1 and a Levinson two piece unit with similar results. In all cases the added dynamics, control and bandwidth of the active pre (Aesthetix and / or Audio Research Ref 2 Mk 2) were the preferred combo over driving the amps directly.