ok guys get me into 200+ wpc

i asked you which amp under $1200. can I get something of at least medium or above quality with 200 or above wpc for same money? (hopefully!) thanks for all the suggestions
How about the Sar Labs MOS400? 200WPC and complete dual mono with two power transformers. A lot of bang for the buck and can be picked up for a really good price.
I've owned a few 200-300+wpc @8ohm amps, yet couldn't find one that did the muscle-amp thing better then a PS Audio HCA-2. It had deeper, faster and more articulate bass then any of the monster amps, played just as loud, yet was vastly more refined all around. It's only billed at 150wpc but I have yet to find any amp under 400wpc that I'd repalce it with (The JC-1's and Musician III only come to mind) The HCA-2 can be found for around $1200 used, and older Spectron amps are getting down there too, which are also a killer hi-hp amp with overall good sonics. If you have big electrostats that are under 87dB effiencint the Spectron will easily be the better choice, otherwise it's a personal preference matter, me thinks.
You might look at the Aragon 8008BB. Its rated at 200 wpc. Tons of current and people say it will drive anything.(From what ive read these were built specifically to drive tough loads) Got good reviews too. A guy just posted 2 of them today with his pallidum monos for $1200.