SS preamp to give wormth & bloom to Krell KSA amp

I need an advice on which solid state preamp to use with Krell KSA amp and B&W 801/3 speakers.Thank You in advance.
Krell KBL preamp. This was the matching preamp to the KSA series. It was a top notch preamp
Second the Rowland Synergy IIi, or a Classe CP-60 if the JRDG is priced too high. You didn't mention a price range.
I have had a few SS pre amps and tube pre amps over the last 5 years such as Sima P5, Krell KRC-3, Pass Alpha P, Bryston SP1, Sonic Frontiers Line 2 & 3 and by far the best match and compliment to my Krell FPB amp(s) has been the Ayre K1. They compliment each other and the result is excellent. If I were you I would look at an Ayre Pre.