Lamm M 1.2 against Tenor 300 and Boulder 2060

I own a system based on Avalon eidolon with Halcro electronics,EMM labs and NBS black label and Kharma enigma cables.

I´m insterested to change the electronics for the a hybrid amp, as Tenor 300 or Lamm M 1.2 or for the Boulder 2060.

I will be pleased if you can help me, almost I´m interested about to know how compares the Lamm M 1.2 and the Tenor 300, also one important consideration for me is the relation price/sound quality, the Lamm seems to be less expensive, around 40% than the Tenor.

I demoed the Boulder, sounds well, but not much much different or in another league than my Halcros, which is your opinion?.

Finally which preamp do you think I will need to be used with Lamm M1.2 or Tenor 300, new CJ ACT2? Aesthetix? Wyetech? CTC? Connoisseur? Lamm?

Thanks to all for your advice.
I auditioned both the Lamm's and Tenors
Both great amps
I bought the Lamm's and just love the sound
I run an AA Capitole direct to the Lamm's and to Von Schweikert VR 7's via all Nordost Valhalla interconnects and speaker cables
Simple system - divine sound
Enjoy the shopping
Since you are in Spain, may I urge you to visit the dealer there who sells Lamm electronics and Rockport Technologies loudspeakers, reported by some people as having one of the best sounding setups in the world. I don't have contact information but either of those companies would be able to refer you.

Brian Walsh
I would second Brian's advice. The Halcro and Boulder electronics, in my auditions of them, are excellent but neutral almost to a fault, if that's possible--they reveal so much detail that I wind up hearing more of the recording and the upstream equipment than the music, and that's not the balancing act I want. The Lamm electronics are also pretty close to neutral, but have a slightly dark sound in comparison (neutral but probably a little rolled off in the highs), which I like, and they let the music through beautifully. Have not heard the Tenor, only good things about it. If you go with the Lamm amps, I'd strongly urge using the L2 preamp with them, a great piece of equipment and an excellent match for their amps. My Lamms work very well with NBS cables (Omega 0), by the way, if that's a concern.