Is the big sound from the big names?

Lately more and more I have been hearing bad things about a lot of the biggest companies in the audio industry. For instance B&W speakers just do not live up to their reputation because their crossover network is (very obviously if a knowledgeable person were to look at it) poorly designed. Many companies find a design that will work for them and never change in design or materials to follow the trends of new and available technology. Many companies with competent engineers will from what I hear from a few in the industry only design on paper with no listening tests or comparisons to fine tune the sound. Does anyone have any information on this, or information on the companies who really do the job right?

Thank you
Eric Baer
I have been friends with the owners of what was (and still is today by comparision to big international companies) a very, very small company. We are talking here of two guys, a briliant design, and not much in financial and manufacturing power. You could say they had limited means and were on the ''respirator'' for quite awhile. BUT they stuck to their ideals, and made no compromises on performance and quality. Today, their products have been acclaimed worldwide, they have countless awards, and are at the top of their price-point categories in every model, including their new $ 50,000.00 flagship. They are distributed alongside Nagra and dCs. Not bad. Keith Jarret owns a pair. So does Norah Jones, a recent purchase. Same goes for David Chesky who used them them for years. This is of course a very shortened list, but you get the idea. You could arguably take any of their speakers and find that they favorably compare with anything 1.5 times the price. Julian and Bruno, if you are reading this, this is for you! Congratulations Verity Audio! Check them out at . I am not a dealer, I am not in the audio industry. But what can I say, I just think these are the best.
Well, do you think that a final listening show down with the Caravelles on their dedicated stands vs the Europas, will generate interesting feedback or change ones impressions. Nah. It's kind of like Bush supporters going to see Farenheit 9/11 and finding it tasteless, biased, slainted and totally misrepresenting our president. I think Europa owners would find the same thing. Say?--the Caravelles should sound better they cost 4 times as much. Alright, they are significantly more complex bass to treble, but not 4 times as complex. They are beautiful, but not 4 times as beautiful as the Europas. This is a no win situation. Posting my impressions of a speaker that will not come off well against the Caravelle? NEVER. Not enough KY for me to sit back in that dark Caravelle unfriendly barrel. This was inspired by a couple of audiophools over at my house listening to some serious music. They were not Caravelle owners (not yet at least) but they sure heard what I've been raving about. Hope you Audiophools are having a great Summer. I certainly am, living in paradise. A beach bums paradise, that is...peace, warren