Parasound - Pass Labs - VTL - Krell Amp Selection

I noticed a similar thread to this a few days ago, from Punkawalla, but just wanted to add another variable or two.

I'm shopping for a new amp for Maggie 3.6's....the Krell I'm using is excellent, but I have the upgrade bug and would like a little more power for the 3.6's.

I've seen a few decent amps and just wanted some opinions to help me unravel the options and hopefully make the best choice.
Setup options steer me toward monoblocks, these provide the easiest integration into my room with WAF considerations.

I hope Sean spots this thread, since I know he has respect for Nelson Pass and John Curl, and wondered if ultimately he had a preference.
The amps I've shortlisted are all available used on 'Gon and I'm listing the prices to help with perspective:

Krell 350Mcx Mono's $7700
Pass X600 $6500
Parasound JC1's $3700
VTL 450's $4500

The Krell's at $7k+ are a little more than I want to pay, though if I could justify the higher price based on margin of improvement over the others, I would probably stretch to it.
The JC 1's seem like an absolute bargain, so much so that I'm skeptical if they can really compete against say the X600's with an original $16,000 retail.

The VTL's really whet my appetite, since I'm a tube kinda guy at heart. But, since I've bypassed fuses on the 3.6's, I must have peace of mind that the amps are capable of delivering the current that these speakers need and that there is no clipping at high SPL's. Also, I need to know that the internal protection circuitry is of high integrity....I don't want a tube failure taking out my tweeter(s).
I've read that the JC1's and the X600's have 'tube like' quality, so I guess I'm trying to achieve 95% of what tubes do best from a SS.

I've been trying different amps now for almost a year. My home office looks like an elephants graveyard (for amps and cables), and it has to stop!!
I need an amp that I can plug in and sit back and enjoy the music, without having to worry about power, or if I should have gone with tubes, or whatever else I worry about!!

My priorities are:
Good soundstage and presentation of scale.
Clarity - natural - openess.
Truth of timbre and natural non-fatiguing presentation- it all happens in the midrange for me.
Enough bass but not bass that overwhelms the midrange and hides inner detail.
Clean highs, maybe on the darker/warmer side of neutral.
Fluid - flowing presentation, not necessarily with the dynamic snap, pop and tizzle that many crave.

Everyone has a different opinion about these things I know, but I've had a lot of good advice here in the past, and I don't regret any choices I've made based on the advice that I've received.

Thanks much

the VTL 300 deluxe didn't come with the signature style output transformer which was a dramatic bass improvement over the standard style transformer. The VTL 450 signature will definitely have better bass control and power.
Rooze your sonic preferences which you describe are describing the VTL 450 signature in triode mode.

Be sure to check out the latest incarnations of the Krells -
the "cx" series - i.e. the models ending in "cx - like the
Krell monoblocks you cite above - FPB-350Mcx.

They are a departure from the traditional Krell sound - they
are "sweeter" with less of the brightness that Vegasears
reports - but they retain the bass slam.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
I was wondering about the source of the smell eminating from the office.

I have listened to some of the better Parasound amps (I think John Curl might have a hand in the design) but I do not think they compete very well with the other gear you mentioned.

The Pass Labs amps have been very good since the introduction of the 'single gain stage' a couple of generations ago. Eliminating many of those stages seems to have cut back on the SS sound usually associated with big powerful amps like the Pass Labs.

The Krell monoblocks are very good although I would have to disagree with the recommendation for the MDA 500. The price might be good due to the age, but the Mcx versions are considerably more musical. AND the FPB 350Mcx would certainly offer the power you desire. Remember, most gear sells for 80% of the asking price, so the $7700 price may still be within your means.

I don't know much about the VTL's, but they were in the running when I recently replaced my amp. They fell out because they were too much of an unknown quantity, where can you audition them within 200 miles of your home???

My suggestion would be to look into the Pass Labs and the Krell. Do you really need monoblocks, or are you just trying to absorb real estate in the livingroom?
Hmmm...some interesting thoughts and perspectives! I was a little dubious about the Parasounds, they seem almost too good to be true, given their competitive price. Tireguy emailed me since he uses the Parasound with his 3.6 with very good results, though he threw the Classe Omega into the mix as a potential winning option.
Krell would make sense, since I own a Krell, like the sound in most respects, and could probably work with more of a good thing.
Nate, the $7700 was for a used pair of the 350mcx, and it's about a $1000 more than I really wanted to spend, it delays the vinyl project for at least another few months.

Mono's are prefered since I can make use of my Sonoran and Audio Insurgent speaker cables, and save $1000 or more and all the hassles of trying speaker wires. It's not essential, but prefered.

hmmm...what to do....what to do.

Thanks for suggestions so far.
