Looking for views on bi-amping

I have a pair of CJ prem 12 mono driving my large Proacs. While not really maxed out, I was wondering if there were any benefits to biamping the speakers other than pure power.

Does anyone have any views on what would be good match. I thought about picking up a CJ prem 11 (a two channel version of the 12's) and using it to run the highs.

I am running Naim and Linn sources through a CJ pre-amp for the front end.
You're talking about passive bi-amping, right?
The extra power will result in some benefits (see above) but is very expensive for what you get.
Using an active x-over before the amps (Active biampng) or a passive one, offers much great benefits.
I have recently actively bi-amped my 2 ch system (with a custom-made tube crossover). The improvement in dynamics, clarity, frequency extensions is remarkable. I had earlier tried passive bi-amping and did not notice much difference. It has been a lot of fun trying a number of different amps for midrange/supertweeter and woofers ( I have a very accomodating local dealer). Thus far I enjoy a 45 tube SET up top and a 300B push pull on the bottom.

SAP J 2000 twins-horn hybid speakers
EMM lab DCC2/CDSD for digital
Nottingham Dais/ Allaert MC-B MKII for analog
sorry to intrude
what about using combination of tube and ss amps for bi-amping...with obviously different power rating...
CJ60ES and Mac MC252
If you passively bi-amp, you have the problem of differences in gain between the two amps. I have a 2 way external crossover (actually it is a combined crossover/phonostage) which allows to equalize the gain between the two amps. thus I have been able to try different amps for the highs and lows. I have yet to try a SS on the lows.

The other reason to actively bi-amp is that since each ampb is only seeing the frequencies that are directed to it, that amp can work more efficiently. For example, the amp on top is only seeing frequencies above the crossover point for my speakers. So it's "sweet spot" is only working on the supertweeter/midrange horn and not share it's "goodies" with the woofer. My speaker's crossover between the woofers and up top were designed to be easily disabled.

A few questions on this as I am still a bit confused.

How do you account for amps that have unequal gain with the active cross-over unit?

If the speakers have 4 binding posts, can I assume that the lower post is for the lows (woofer) and that the higher two are for the mid/tweeter? With an active crossover any reason to open up the speakers or do I leave the internal cross-overs in place.

Did you try both SS and tube cross-overs?
