Problems with my Tri-Vista 300--Need some help

My new Tri-Vista integrated has worked beautifully for a month, but yesterday, for the first time, I discovered that no sound is coming through the right terminals into the speaker. I tried shifting speakers and cables around and found that it has to originate with the amp. The amp has two sets of binding posts, but in changing the speaker cables to either of them, I've still gotten no sound out of the right side. Could this be a problem with an internal fuse, and if so, and since I have no MF dealers here in Korea (I bought off the net), what might be my options in terms of getting the amp repaired? Any suggestions?
Get a second opinion from another repair shop.
I live in Asia and there is no end to the scams.
Gotta keep your BS Meter set on high sensitivity at all times.
The estimated problems could be exagerated by the repair man in an attemt to get his hands on this amp.
Did he offer to buy it from you?
I would not be suprised if it was just a fuse.
thanks for all the replies, everybody. We don't need to get into the merits or lack thereof of MF gear. I think they make great stuff and have a lot of integrity. But this is a rather odd problem that shouldn't be happening with a new piece of gear.

Merganser, I too, thought there were only four tubes in the amp located in the preamp stage. that's what I saw when I opened it up, but he said there were two more. Very strange. I'm going to the shop tomorrow to check out the problem. And I suspect you are very right about the source selector.

Jeffjarvis, I checked all the fuses out and the problem isn't there. While there are scams in many places in the world, I sincerely don't think this is the problem here. this guy does an incredible amount of repairs in this market with all kinds of gear.

thanks for all of your concern. I'll keep you posted as to how all of this develops. Best wishes on the new year.
Quick update. Looks like the local repair guy will be able to replace the tubes without a hitch. He tested them and said two were faulty. Called MF and they said it was their first experience with such a thing. Meanwhile, I have an order in with a tube company out of Chicago, which is temporarily out of stock. Also checked with two other companies, including Tubeworld, both out of stock. Tubeworld told me to check back in a month!

So the latest is that I'm having to wait an inordinate amount of time because the seemingly readily available tubes have been bought out for the time being. Amp has been waiting in the shop now for two weeks. Anybody have a couple of tubes to spare me? Thanks.
But cant MF supply you with the spare tubes ? I thought they had one extra set per amp manufactured or was it the Nu Vistas ? I cant remember....Perhaps you can try Wim Bouwman at Mr Valve in South Africa,my local tube supplier,chances are slim but I think worth a shot ...mail is
Thanks Chris. Looks like I may have finally hit paydirt over here. Triode Electronics in Chicago finally came through after two weeks it seems. Going to have these tubes on Friday. I was getting worried after substantial waiting that they wouldn't be able to get them. Ordered ten for six dollars each. Cheapest I've seen:

MF will supply the tubes but they want to see the originals first. At least that's what the dealer said in Hong Kong. Pretty inconvenient. I'll post again after I get them by fedex next week and take them to the shop.