A guide for Audiophiles and Marriage

I have seen too many members of this forum having a fire sale of good equipment just prior to or just after getting married. This is just not necessary. You need an Audiophile Prenuptial Agreement.

...to see The Audiophile Prenuptial Agreement, please go to my system at mitch4t and look at the last photo in the lower right corner on my system.

This is essential if you are planning on getting married and want to remain an audiophile.

If you are already married, you may want to add it as an addendum to your current marriage contract.


Oh no- I still have my boys, and they're swimming. But LOTS of my buddies have faced the ultimate ultimatum from their wives- Vasectomy or decrease in copulation frequency.

I told my wife that under no circumstances was I sitting in a chair with a bag of frozen peas on my nuts for 3 days.She finally said "well, I do everything else, I guess I'll have to be responsible for birth control too". I of course, concurred. After all, she's the one with the problem- not me :)
The best way for an audiophile to have a happy marriage is a separate listening room.
I have a trick.
Take the price tag from the ($400)interconnects and glue it to the ($4000)CDPlayer box.

Worked for me.
I got the vas' a couple of years after my daughter was born (she's 9 now) and frankly, it's great! No worries. Just "hop on pop" and away we go.

Oh yeah, my wife hated the way my old Polks looked so she "let" me get my new B&W's last year. Aah, the aesthetics of gear can be a benefit.
My Fiance: "wow, that audio gear is sure expensive. I really don't care if we just had a boombox. Then again, guys love electronics-I don't understand it-my dad owns 4 plasma TV's, and purchased them 4 years ago..as long as I can have my Kitchen-Aid, you can do whatever you want with your stereo equipment"

I guess if you want to keep the wife happy, buy her something nice too that she will enjoy!