Agree that making switch to a SET like and 845 based tube where you could get 20 plus watts might be better than just going with push pull amp but it depends on room size and how much volume you want.Think you would better off with tube in any case and there are many class push pull and depending on maker and tube you could get 40-80 watts at reasonbale price.One caution I tried my own advice with a Bel Canto 845 based amp and with my 94 db sens german semi horn didn't have enough volume so I went back to my EAR 834 40 watt (proably closer to 50) since the BC's (I think) 27 watts didn't get loud enough.Great amp might be the new McIntosh with KT88's at 75 watts.Once you get into tubes remeber you not only have the sound of the amp but you also get diffent sound out of tube type and vintage.Regardless of the power output a KT88 will have more balls (dynamics( and bass than a EL34 which will best it in midrange.If your into classical or rock than KT88 would be better but small ensemble jazz or folk (especially voices) go better with EL34 creamy midrange.6550 inbetween with a cheap price on replacement with good Soviet tube.Than you could roll sound by replacing input tubes with New Old Stock drivers (outputs would be much more expensive).Last suggestion is a hybrid like the 70 watt Pathos Logos with tube pre and solid stae output stage.Great reviews less upkeep with replacing output tubes down the road.But you have maybe the best speaker for midrange and tubes would be great.