Matching pre-amp for Bryston power amp

I will be grateful for any suggestions as to a good pre-amp for my Bryston 4BSST power amp. This drives PMC IB1S speakers. Cables are Eichmann Express 6 I.C. & speaker. CD front end is Marantz player used as transport into a Musical Fidelity Trivista 21 DAC.

A matching Bryston BP20 preamp is a possibility but their preamps are not as highly regarded as their power amps. I also think I would prefer a tube pre-amp.

Someone has suggested either a Rouge Audio Magnum 99 or something from the Octave range. Oh yes, and remote control would be nice!

Any help & suggestions would be gratefully received. Many thanks.
I've used a BP-25 with my 3B-ST and my 3B-SST. A few months ago I replaced it with a PS Audio PCA-2 (with optional power supply), and I'm still in love ...
I currently use a BAT VK 3ix with a 4BST. In conjunction with the VK P5 phonostage in the analog front end. The Bryston and BAT gear have provided many evenings of listening pleasure. I would suggest trying a BAT VK 3i. They have good resale value if it's not your cup of tea.
I liked the Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS with a pair of 7B-ST's that I spent some time with. There are many good suggestions posted here and no perfect answer. Try one and if you don't like it, try another.
I currently own the Bryston 4BSST and the BP-20 combination. They work very well together. I have been auditioning the SAS Audio 10A during the past couple of weeks. It is a wonderful tube linestage that has great synergy with the Bryston amp. I recommend you give it a listen