Cary SLI-80 vs Cary 300SEI

I have Silverline Sonatina II's, with REL Strata III, and they seem like long term keepers. I'm also real happy with the Cary family sound, using Cary SLI-80 and Cary 303/100. No sonic need to upgrade, everything sounds great, but hey you know the itch. I did not reach this point by stopping every time things sounded ok, I was always shooting for better. My speakers are 8 ohm and 92 db or 93 db (I forget). How much of an upgrade is Cary 300SEI vs Cary SLI-80, run in triode with KT88's? IS it an upgrade, or just a different mix? My speakers are already warm sounding, would a 300B based integrated be too warm sounding? Please share your experience comparing these two great amps! Cables are a mix of Audience AU24 and Quattrofil.
Hi, Just intereted in how do you get the best out from SLI-80 by chossing the right tubes. I got mine today to drive ProAC2.5. (86db).(which is not so good with CAV50, although CAV50 is so good and I hesitated to replace it with SLI80.). so, if I am not deviated off the topic here. I would like to have your opnions on CAry SLI80 and CAV50 as well. (300B may be not enough for proAC)

Your system is just like mine, 3 years ago I started with Sonatina II and SLI 80 then a year later I added 1 Rel sub (I believed it is series 1) then last year I switched from SLI 80 to 300 SEI LX20, using KR 300 bxls tube, 20 watt/channel, it sounded really great, quiet, powerful and has many details of sound coming out from the speakers, I strongly recommend this changes. Now, I am in the process of adding a tube pre-amp and use my integ. amp as an amplifier and hopefully later on moving to monoblocks and also I've heard adding a s.s. amp to drive the lower freq. will be a big plus, what do you think?
Yes, I recently added the REL sub, and it's a jaw dropping combination : - ) I thought the 300 SEI LX20 was an amp, not an integrated, no? Anyway, great to hear that this change was worthwhile.

As to maximizing sound of SLI-80, I have been playing around with SED KT-88's vs Svetlana EL-34s (love both, actually). I experimented quite a bit with triode vs ultralinear - now I use exclusively triode - and also tried both Ohm setting on the back. I also experimented with various settings on the bias. I now keep it between 75 and 79 ususually. It's amazing how even a small bias drift can affect the sound. I thought sounded soft last week, turned out the bias had drifted to 71. Fixing it tightened up everything. Then there are cables.... I ended up with a mix of Quattrofil and Audience AU24. My old Cardas Golden Ref, which were fantastic with everything I threw at it, seemed a bit too laid back for this already laid back gear.


I also had the same set up as you a couple of years ago, less the sub. I also had the same questions as you. I just got a Almarro SET today to try vs my sli-80 with Eh-Kt88. I also have 7308 and POPE 6ns7 tubes in the front end of the sli-80 and they make a huge difference. I will be curious to see what you think, I have very little expererience with SET, but 300b amps have never been my fair. I let you know how I get along.