Sonic Impact T-Amp giant killer?

I did a search and didn't find anything...have you folks heard about the $30 wonder?

It seems it's turning a few heads...
Well, I like the flavor a LOT! :-)

Been using one of these to drive my AKG K-1000 headphones to some BEAUTIFUL music!!

And combined with a tube preamp (good advice on AA), it played some great music. The Teac Tripath amp is even better, a little more dynamic and detailed.
I bought one at Target about 8 to 10 months ago, after seeing the rave over at Audio Asylum.

They're inexpensive, I'll give them that. Are they a giant killer? Only if your giant is small.

I saw a suggestion at Amp Asylum to use it as a wireless patio system while entertaining friends. Mine will come back out of the box once it warms up enough to entertain.

a very special product indeed, magic with appropriately sensitive speakers and a good source/preamp/cabling. laughably inexpensive (i didn't say CHEAP), so few of those who equate expense with quality of sound will take it seriously.
forgot to also emphasize the importance of a good, outboard power supply (13.8V, 2A, regulated). the radio shack RCA to mini-jack adapter (#274-883) is also the best way to use your own cables IMHO, but then you'll need something to hold it down! sounds best when driven by a high quality preamp with it's volume control all the way up per the 6moons review. i'm itching to hear one with the omega speakers!
Well if you like that Doc, check this out Clari T Amp . This is supposed to be an audiophile version of the sonic impact(not a modified Sonic Impact). I'm still waiting on mine to arrive.It will be powering Omega Grande 8s as well as some Bob Brines speakers when I can get my hands on them! As usual I'm like a kid at Christmas!