Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?
Mapman I believe Hackett will be in the Philly area in the fall. Close enough?
Devo last night.

Did not know what to expect going in. Could this particular band possible age well?

Definitely an interesting band to watch and hear. The guy on keyboards is mostly what made them unique I would say.

They really stood out from the pack back in the early days of New Wave. Their robotic version of "Satisfaction" is what I recall first catching my ear back then in college.

No encore though. No "Whip It" or "What We do". Oh well...

A fun 90 minutes. Now I know.
Went to see 'The Fab Four' last night,a Beatles tribute band. In all honesty,I was not expecting much. Man was I off the mark,this band rocked and the whole show with Ed Sullivan as the MC was terrific. If you get a chance to see them, you wont be disappointed. Great show...
Los Lobos in Durango back in March. Great show and sound crew! These guys are still tight and play their songs pretty close to how they sound on their albums. Although the show was only about 90 minutes I would definitely recommend them and would not hesitate to see them again.