CTC Blowtorch...but Pedrillo, I don't think you're going to ever get a "...genuinely accurate picture of which is the best preamplifier". Tallying these responses is skewed (obviously) by what people have heard, so preamps that are more expensive and/or harder to get hold of are prone to getting fewer "votes". Even more of a problem: how many people who "vote" (including me!) have heard ALL of the "serious" contenders in their OWN SYSTEMS, and with all other variables COMPLETELY CONTROLLED (i.e. to see what each preamp's "character" is really like relative to others). To further complicate matters: I'd venture many of us have had the experience of inserting a new product into our systems that someone we trust has recommended as being better - and THEN having been disappointed with the new product. This has happened to me enough times that I have learned a very important lesson: one tends to get in "trouble" when he assumes the relative quality of two components without trying other things (cable changes, room treatments, speaker or head position, etc) to make each component sound it's best, i.e. tweaking things a bit. I think I understand your desire for a definitive and absolute answer on preamps. I just don't think it's possible for ANY component.