What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?

Only recently have heard about these pre-amps. Are they as good as they are made out to be? Is the least expensive model as good as say a R0land Synergy? I live in Seattle and have never heard of this pre-amp so any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jerry.
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Wow Art, now the CAT? Very cool. You move so fast! 8-) Does your unit also have the phono stage or just a line stage?

With all the discussion here with the CAT Ultimate having some impedance mismatch and other interface issues with amps, I am sure it would be quite happy hooked up to its relatives, the JL-3's. Now you need to bring it AND the Berning AND the Capitole over for some listening. Just wish I had a tonearm cable with RCA connectors. Just let me know or I can lug over the Callisto to hear how it sounds in your system.

OK, John. I wont receive the CAT for another 3+ weeks, but it would be fun to hear the relative contribution(s) of all these components in two different systems. My unit will only be a linestage - I dont spin vinyl and dont have any plans in the forseeable future. Plus. it could be added on in the future should that need arise. I would definitely like to hear the callisto in my system, so once the peices are in order, we can play.

On the FS cabling question, I had stereovox IC's, which a re actually silver, but very very smooth, and I thought mated well with the FS. I also had tried Nordost Valhalla, but much preferred the stereovox, which had all the openness and detail, but was richer, and had a more fleshed out tonality vs the valhalla.