Which Krell to hunt down on the used market?

I heard that late models of Krell have gone down in quality - is this true?

Then which models should I hunt for? Should I change the capacitors on units more than 10 years old?

Thanks for the voice of experience...
Rooze said "neutrality might be the holy grail for many audiphiles, but it doesn't always work in the real world" I'm going to have to think about that. That might be a very insightful statement... or maybe not... ?!?
"neutrality might be the holy grail for many audiphiles, but it doesn't always work in the real world" might very well be the case. I once sold my KSA 300S for a FPB300 (all Krell w/B&W 801 III) and it seemed to loose "soul". I sold it and bought another 300S but I have also owned a KSA250 and I would say that as newer Krell amps came out the less grain they had which might be closer to neutral for which everyone is hearing also. I just like the character of the 300S but Krell has informed me to keep in mind the size of transformer for bass slam. I also tried a 200S which didn't have the slam I was used to from the KSA250. I think a FPB600 would have to be my next choice but can't afford it now so I am content with the 300S. I agree with Rooze to listen first if you can't afford to buy and try!!!
Concerning neutrality, it's an over-used descriptive and generally intended as a positive attribute of a component or system. Yet many people prefer the musicality of tubes, which in most cases are not considered particularly neutral. I've heard people talk about Krell amps being neutral, like it's a really good thing. Yes it's neutral, but is it musical?. I found the less neutral MD series more musical than the more neutral FPB series. The added warmth through the midrange effected a tonal balance that suited my ears.
There really isn't a lot to think about, so don't strain yourself on my behalf. You want neutral?... go knock yourself out.

I just purchased a vintage KSA-50 over one of the newer Krells. I love it! Several of the responses to this initial question imply that the newer Krell amps are more neutral than the older ones like mine. My experience is that this is true. However, I like the older, warmer Krell sound. And I think that the type of music one prefers also should be taken into consideration.
I found the older Krells grainy. I also found the sound difference between the FPB 200, 300 as compared to the 600 much more than just the power. The FPB 600 is IMHO a much better amplifier than the lower powered units. I ended up buying the 600 after comparing. YMMV.