Help choosing Power Conditioner

Completely new to this area. I would like a unit that:
a) regulates power, keeping it within the 120v range.
b) provides good and long-lasting surge protection
c) can be used with a power amp as well as preamp, and sources all together
d) Hopefully helps the audio, making it more open and dynamic without negative effects.

I need to say under about $750 used. My candidates are:
Monster HTPS7000
Monster AVS2000 (how are these two different)?
PS Audio Power Director 3.5
Blue Circle MR1200 Music Ring
Any others...
And of course, Dedicated Audio is "the only AUTHORIZED Internet Dealer for Running Springs Audio".
Dealers shouldn't respond to queries like this, particularly when the item isn't directly related to the question - in this case being far beyond the price that Kck wants to spend.
We could have 50 responses of dubious value if all the dealers chimed in to questions like this.
At the very least dealers should make their interest well known with a disclaimer,
My opinion anyway.
Dear Snofun3,

I’m sorry to have upset with our answer to the author’s questions. All responses must be cleared by the administrators of this site and ours was approved (or it would not have been posted). You mention within your post that our response does not pertain to his questions. Our response completely applies. The author asks the following questions and all apply to the mentioned product.

The questions were:
Regulates power, keeping it within the 120v range.
Provides good and long-lasting surge protection
Can be used with a power amp as well as preamp, and sources all together
Hopefully helps the audio, making it more open and dynamic without negative effects.

His final question was - Any others...?

All of the above apply. We also mentioned it may be out of his range on the new market but worth looking into.

We never mentioned we were a dealer of this product, you did.
I said - "isn't directly related to the question - in this case being far beyond the price that Kck wants to spend".

His post - I need to stay under about $750 used.
Your response - may be a bit out of your price window at $1199.00.

I'd say that 50% ABOVE what he wants to pay isn't directly related to his question. You apparently disagree. How far above what before you consider it as as an out-of-place response to his request? 100%, 200%, 500%? Is there any amount as long as you can find some commonality between the request and what you're promoting?

You should identify yourself as a dealer - in fact an EXCLUSIVE internet dealer. You appear to be insinuating that AGon checks all of these posts for appropriateness and ulterior motives such as dealers promoting his product via the threads? C'mon. You slipped in under the radar and are using that as a smokescreen.

I mentioned that you're a dealer in order to make the point that dealers, and EXCLUSIVE ones at that shouldn't be responding to threads as part of their sales and marketing campaigns without large disclaimers. It seems ethical issue to me, but it seems you'll try to obfuscate the issue somehow.
I'm back. Thanks for the responses, please keep them coming. I am sorry the thread went downhill so fast. I agree that DA basically posted an ad, and browsing Agon I see he has done that in other posts as well. Whether this is ethical or not I will not judge, but if I understand the rules correctly then it is certainly questionable.
Snofun3, you have a valid point and made it with your initial post about DA. Also appreciate the info about the Monster gear, good analysis there. I will look into the AVS2000.
Anyone with experience on the Power Director? I understand it does not regulate. Also another one, Belkin PF60 - any opinions /experience?
I'm a fan of the balanced power units which include the likes of equi=tech, exactpower, bpt, blue circle and others. Equi=tech has a terrific reputation and has been doing balanced power the longest, particularly with major recording studios. However, bang-for-the-buck goes to Blue Circle for its MR1200. I use this unit and have experienced enhanced low level resolution and quieter background; however, don't expect sonic improvements because this is extremely system/environment dependent. I demo'd another power unit that, beyond peace of mind, made no audible difference. I would not recommend the smaller BC mr800 as it might compress dynamics of your amp. Of course the other route to take is to install dedicated ac lines, a wholehouse surge at the breaker box, plug your amp directly into the wall and your sources into a hydra 2 or audio magic mini stealth. Options, hobby huh?