Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?

I listen to mostly classical and some acoustic jazz,
I would prefer a one box Integrated for space reasons
and I think solid state...but I could be talk in to or "auditioned in to" a tube piece.
Your thoughtful advice is appreciated.

Thank you.
I'm the only one around here that mentions Sugden.
They have a high end Integrated called the Masterclass. Runs in Class A.
I compared alot of amps and this one is superb, especially for the music you prefer.
I consider it the Rolls Royce of Integrated amps.
Around $5000.
I preferred the YBA Passion top to bottom over the JRDG Concentra II. 100 wholesome tuby SS watts. The Passion is, certainly, not one of your popular integrateds. Maybe it's the $5k +. I love mine....warren :-)
The Musical Fidelity VK500 is damn good with 500 watts and phono to boot. It has a few small tubes in the pre amp section and is otherwise SS. I have heard the Rowland Concentra II and it is a little grainy and romantic in comparison. The Levinson 383 is grainy and flat and does not compare to either.
I'm going to receive my Jungson 88D LE integrated ($1700) today. Class A 80 watt into 8 ohms (160 watts into 4 ohms) and looks great. Don't let the price fool you, build quality is on par or better with the best American and European integrated. Search A-gon for more info.