What Integrated To Match Cremona Audiors

Hey people

Just wanted you ideas on views for matching a good amp to the cremona auditors = looking at either the levinson 383 but heard this has many technical problems and the other was the musical fidelity tri vista 300.

The rest of the kit is as follows :

Sony DVP-S9000es DVD/SACD Player

Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista DAC 21

Kimber Select 1030 interconnects

JAV Audio Digital Interconnect

Kimber 3035 speaker cable

PS audio P300

Let me know what you guys think - am open to suggestions for other amps etc - around about the 4/5000 dollar mark

i have a pair of auditors that i am actually driving with the sonus faber integrated, musica. few people know about this amp, but it was designed by sf as an in-house reference. i am very happy with it, not a lot of power, but very musical. you can see what it looks like on their website, or at sumiko audio's website (with pricing)

Separately, what did you decide? did you listen to the levinson?
There are a couple of integrated amps that I would consider for use with this speaker. The first would be the VAC Super Avatar, one of the all-time best sounding tube integrated amps made, IMO. Smooth, refined detailed sound that would get the best sound from any analog or digital based front end with a minimum of fuss and hassle. Easy to cable as well.

The other choice would be the Pathos Classic One Mk II, which is a great sounding tube/ss hybrid integrated at a very affordable price. Not quite in the same sonic league as the VAC, but at less than 1/2 the price, it would come very close for those on a budget. This integrated would have no problem driving the Auditors to very room filling levels, unless you happened to want to fill a gymnasium.
I have used a Krell 400XI for the past 12 months with these speakers and found the musicality of this combination quite stunning.
My system: Amp Krell 400 XI. Speakers: Cremona Auditor, REL Stadium III, CD player: Classe CDP-10, Cables: Kimber Select 1011 and 3033.