Akiko Tuning Stick AC -- It IS Magic

None are more skeptical than I when it comes to tweaks. Most come and go; few survive for the long term. So it was with not a grain but a shaker of salt that I decided to try the $170 Akiko Tuning Stick AC (not the new Triple AC, which is $395), which one plugs into an open outlet on a power conditioner or into the wall outlet. I decided to try it based upon rave reviews in 6 Moons both for the version I tried, and more recently the Triple AC -- which I most assuredly WILL buy.

I plugged it into my Audience AR6 power conditioner and my skepticism dissolved as fast as the salt from the shaker would in water! This thing is magic, I tell you. It is transformative. My system is no slouch (PS Audio DSD DAC/VTL 7.5iii pre/Krell FPB 300cx amp/VSE 5HSE speakers, top cables and PC's) but this kicked it up about 20%-25% in sound quality. More depth, more realism, more liquidity, more naturalness, more life. I removed the device and reinstalled it several times just to check, and each time the sound became flat and one-dimensional.

I have only had the Akiko for about a week, but every time I turn on my stereo, and whether listening to music through the DAC or my Sansui TU-9900 tuner, my head snaps back and I say to myself: Zounds! Does that sound good!

So forgive me for gushing, but I have been at this audio mania for over 40 years and am not easily impressed., But this is an extremely impressive product. There is no guarantee the Triple AC, more than 2x the AC price, will be any better let alone twice as good as the AC, but I aim to find out. Of course, I cannot tell you what it will do in your system. Jaguar Audio sells these (nice, responsive folks) and I think they have a 14 day return policy. I doubt you will return it.

I also tried the Tuning Stick, but realized that it only transformed my system 19%. Definitely not 20-25% that I was hoping for and that some others have experienced. Mine went back within just a few days :)
I also purchased the Ikiko ac tuning stick 2 months ago and plugged in into an unused spot on my Furman, at different times with different amps and preamps in my system I also noted the difference, but in each case I preferred the sound without over the sound with the stick in play, in my system the sound was always drier and had lost some sparkle in the presentation. My system has progressed to a very good place and most changes even small ones are very noticeable but not always positive.
Will be interested to hear your impressions, jmcgrogan2. You are going straight for the gusto.

Tooblue, as I mentioned, I can only speak for IMS. The Akiko did not do much in my BR system, but was a revelation in Main Rig.

And Bojack, you obviously are not like us 1%'ers!
