Radiohead read on

Ok they are a rock band and with OK computer they won lots of critical fame. But with kidA and amnesiac they have created truely great albums. I think that they have recorded these albums in new and inventive ways and the sound quality or misuse of it is amazing. They have also pushed the musical boundries with the content and delivery of their music. I should also state that I am not such a big rock music fan but these albums are emotional inventive and intoxicating and force me to want to listen. What do you think?
It's time to refresh this thread with the release of their new album "In Rainbows." Check out their business model: You go to the album's site, and you can pay as much as you see fit for the entire download of the album. Yes, that may be $0 if you feel that's all they deserve, but then again, if you feel they deserve $0 then why are you downloading the album? I think almost everyone will give a fair amount.

I think it's genius.

They are NOT a rock band. They are an INDIE band!. Bon Jovi is/are rock. I throw all my toys out of the pram when peeps talk of Radiohead as a rock band.ARGH.
The Beatles of our time. I think John would have loved the daring nature of each new release. Enuff said.
It's a breathtaking album. I much prefer it to Kid A at this point but many more listenings will tell.

"The Beatles of our time?" Well, that's a bit of hyperbole as there has never been another Beatles of any time.

However, no band has released better material over the past 12 years since "The Bends" in 1995.

IMO of course.
Muse is another more recent group that has produced a lot of good more artsy type rock in recent years and met with success along the lines of Radiohead.  Many regard Steven Wilson as the modern champion of progressive rock.  Gotta admire Radiohead's penchant to experiment and push boundaries though, much like The  Beatles did, even if the results are perhaps a bit more uneven or esoteric.

The White Stripes is the more recent group that I find also seldom fails me of late for just plain and simple good rock.   Their sound is more like a modern take on stripped down Led Zeppelin at their best.