Dekay I appreciate your comments and the other kind words so far.
Everything I've written up to this point has been off the top of my head-I've (sadly)read more books about Dylan than I care to remember (probably about 40).
Now I'm checking the exact dates with some further personal comments.
Date of accident 29th July 1966-cracked vertebra is the minor injury.
It is widely reported that Dylan was suffering serious burn out after his World tour and it's excesses.
Apparently he used his accident as a lever with his record company to get an extended break.
1967 October to November sees Dylan record John Wesley Harding.
February and April 1969 sees Dylan record Nashville Skyline.
The vocal change on Nashville Skyline-I haven't bothered to check totally but apparently Dylan merely changed his tone to fit the music,it is a remarkable change from his grittier voice.
The whole period during both these albums reflected a major change in Dylan's life,domestic bliss and a refuge away from the crazy world of his fireball years.
He had also just lost his father just prior to recording NS.
Another theory I think I read about his NS voice was he had cut back on the smoking.
He also recorded The Basement Tapes in 1967 although these weren't official released to just prior to Blood On The Tracks.
Everything I've written up to this point has been off the top of my head-I've (sadly)read more books about Dylan than I care to remember (probably about 40).
Now I'm checking the exact dates with some further personal comments.
Date of accident 29th July 1966-cracked vertebra is the minor injury.
It is widely reported that Dylan was suffering serious burn out after his World tour and it's excesses.
Apparently he used his accident as a lever with his record company to get an extended break.
1967 October to November sees Dylan record John Wesley Harding.
February and April 1969 sees Dylan record Nashville Skyline.
The vocal change on Nashville Skyline-I haven't bothered to check totally but apparently Dylan merely changed his tone to fit the music,it is a remarkable change from his grittier voice.
The whole period during both these albums reflected a major change in Dylan's life,domestic bliss and a refuge away from the crazy world of his fireball years.
He had also just lost his father just prior to recording NS.
Another theory I think I read about his NS voice was he had cut back on the smoking.
He also recorded The Basement Tapes in 1967 although these weren't official released to just prior to Blood On The Tracks.