Favourite Guitar CDs

Can you pls advise ?
It may not be to everyone's taste, but I enjoy Surfing with the Alien form Joe Satriani, Love and relgion from Steve Vai and Minds eye from Vinnie Moore, although the latter gets a bit boring after a while. A complete different style is Friday night in San Francisco, Featuring Al DiMeola, Paco de Lucia and John Mclaughlin (I think. I might be wrong on John....). That said, everything from Jimi Hendrix is worth considering.
Wow, a coupla you guys stole my lines - Danny Gatton and Al DiMeola are two of the best I've ever seen. Danny was (and will always be) the best in my book - I saw him many times at a local club (for $5.00!!!) and was able to get up close for a good look - simply unbelieveable!

I also have an autographed guitar from Al DiMeola that I won at a concert and had to strap to the sissybar of my motorcycle to get it home [smile].

Other guitarists that I admire greatly:

1) Sonny Landreth - best slide player currently.
2) Eric Johnson
3) Ronnie Montrose - get "Open Fire", his best album, IMHO.
4) Christoper Parkening - classical guitar.
5) Egberto Gismonte - incredibly talented, multi-genre.
6) Steve Kimock - just saw him last week - schweet!!

One of my favorites is Bruce Cockburn. Try and listen to his "Dancing in the Dragon's Jaws" CD. It is nice classical/folk style with good variety of songs on the disc.
a little bit different genre from what's been mentioned, but hard to overlook allman brothers - especially "evening with the allman brothers" first set. amazing blue sky and southbound.
Here are a couple of prime choices:

• Leo Kottke–6 and 12 String Guitar. Perhaps the greatest acoustic fingerstyle aLbum ever.

• Michael Hedges–Aerial Boundaries. No one got more texture and rhythm out of an acoustic guitar.

• Hot Tuna–Acoustic Hot Tuna. A definitive (and modern) take on vintage ragtime blues.
