Back in the 80's I was into the whole chipmunk macrobiotic diet and the accompanying new-age theme-songs that went along with it, complete with a heaping helpin' of the likes of Enya, Lorenna Mckennit, and the whole Windham Hill/Private Music gang. Must of been a sharp blow to the back of the head in a motorcycle accident or something, but I've since been cured of that proclivity, and it is now more likely to induce the flight response in me if I hear that kind of music being played in a public place (you sure as hell won't find it spinning on my CD player any more). If I hear "Oronoco Flow" one more time I'm sure I'll make national headlines.
Around the same time I was listening to a whole lot of atonal and avant garde music(Stockhausen, Takemitsu, Orff, etc.) , which no longer appeals to me as it did then. I don't think it would bring up the same violently nauseous feelings that Enya has the potential of, but I also don't think it would capture me as it once did.
Things change.
Around the same time I was listening to a whole lot of atonal and avant garde music(Stockhausen, Takemitsu, Orff, etc.) , which no longer appeals to me as it did then. I don't think it would bring up the same violently nauseous feelings that Enya has the potential of, but I also don't think it would capture me as it once did.
Things change.