Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder

What was your favorite one hit wonder song, and who performed it? You can name one or a few.

I loved (and still do) "Voices Carry" performed by Till Tuesday.

C'mon. Put on your thinking caps.
"The Biggest Fool In Town" by Gorgeous George. In retrospect, I don't think he was a one hit wonder, as I don't think this was ever a hit. It was, however, his only record, and a great song. How about "Fever" by Little Willie John?
Some of these guys were at least 2 hit wonders. For a true 1 hit wonder, try Tommy Tutone's "Jenny (867-5309)".
the above song was written by Sammy Hagar who also had 1 big hit himself with "I can't drive 55"
There truly are some great tunes listed here. With as good as they sounded, you have to wonder how they never came up with any others.

On the other hand, Odavid9 hit it on the head. Some of you folks are cheating BIG-time. That is, many of these bands actually had more than one "hit" with some having several.

Those that "cheated" are no longer qualified to win the collection of "K-Tel" records being offered as a prize. As you know, almost all K-Tel's consist of one hit wonder bands so that they didn't have to pay much to get the singles : )

For "real" one hit wonders, albeit some slightly bizarre ones and others that truly were good bands, but never hit it off, how about:

Money by The Flying Lizards ( pseudo "new wave" meets "early industrial" meets "art for art's sake" )

Summertime Blues by Blue Cheer ( Yeah, BABY!!! )

Johnny, Are You Queer? by Josie Cotton ( Can u remember what soundtrack this is from ??? )

Shaving Cream by Benny Bell ( My baby fell out of the window.... If you never heard this one, you need to. It's a laugh : )

(I Don't Like) Mondays by The Boomtown Rats ( first three lp's are well worth owning !!! This was probably one of their worst songs !!! )

Mickey by Toni Basil ( oh Mickey, you're so fine )

(Fun, Fun, Fun) Autobahn by Kraftwerk ( have you ever heard anything else by them on the radio? EVER ???

Rock Me ( Baby) by Andy Kim ( yuck.... )

She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby ( luv that crazy professor : )

Journey to the Center of Your Mind by The Amboy Dukes ( "kind" of cheating since this was Ted Nugent's band, but it was the only hit that this band had : )

Electric Avenue by Eddie Grant ( Reggae meets synthesizers and drum machines ???

Afternoon Delight by The Starland Vocal Band ( these guys couldn't have disappeared fast enough....

Echo Beach by Martha & the Muffins ( by now, these folks are probably "far away in time" : )

Fire ( I'll teach you to burn ) by Arthur Brown ( what a crazy, mixed up world that guy was in : )

I Know What Boys Like by The Waitresses ( Sucker !!! )

Amy by Pure Prairie League

War (what is it good for? ) By Edwin Starr ( absolutely nuthin !!! )

Jackie Blue by Ozark Mountain Daredevils ( can you still hear them cooing "oooooh oooh" ??? : )

Hey Man, Nice Shot by Filter

Mexican Radio by Wall of Voodoo ( great tune covered by a lot of different bands, even Celtic Frost !!! )

Midnight at the Oasis by Maria Muldaur ( send your camel to bed??? What the hell is that??? The first time i heard this "song", i thought it was some type of advertisement for a resort... )

It's Time to Party / Party Hard by Andrew W.K. ( remember this dork from MTV not that long ago ??? )

(Talk About) Pop Muzik by "M" aka "Robin Scott" ( a perfect cross between pop / new wave / dance music )

Dead Skunk by Loudon Wainwright III ( nuff said....)

She Talks in Stereo by Gary Myrick & the Figures ( another good band that went nowhere )

One Banana, Two Banana, Three Banana, Four ( Banana Splits theme ) by the Banana Splits. The version by The Dickies rocks : )

Sugar, Sugar by The Archies :(

Lesbian Seagull by Englebert Humperdinck ( he may have had other hits, but i just HADTA work this title and this guy's name into a thread somehow : )


last but surely NOT least......

Tip Toe Through the Tulips by Tiny Tim

Okay, you can stop vomiting now... : ) Sean

PS... how wuz that for diversity ??? : )