Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder

What was your favorite one hit wonder song, and who performed it? You can name one or a few.

I loved (and still do) "Voices Carry" performed by Till Tuesday.

C'mon. Put on your thinking caps.
Mississippi Queen, by Mountain

We could come up with another category--most annoying songs to subliminally suggest to your coworkers so it ends up going through their heads all day driving them crazy . .

Something like "Muskrat Love. . . "

For a great trip down memory lane: www.onehitwondercentral.com
"The Biggest Fool In Town" by Gorgeous George. In retrospect, I don't think he was a one hit wonder, as I don't think this was ever a hit. It was, however, his only record, and a great song. How about "Fever" by Little Willie John?
Some of these guys were at least 2 hit wonders. For a true 1 hit wonder, try Tommy Tutone's "Jenny (867-5309)".
the above song was written by Sammy Hagar who also had 1 big hit himself with "I can't drive 55"