For Reference -
Stop Making Sense is the standard for all concert videos.
Steely Dan - Two Against Nature - check out Donald Fagan's canine's.
Roger Water - In the Flesh - good Pink Floyd production.
Eagles - Hell Freezes Over - cheesy music but great A/V production
Band - The Last Waltz - a classic
For Fun -
Rolling Stones - At the Max - the original IMAX movie
Rolling Stones - 4 Flixs - 3 venues of their concerts
Led Zeppelin (3 disc Set) -a classic
Sheryl Crow - Rocking the Globe Live
Stop Making Sense is the standard for all concert videos.
Steely Dan - Two Against Nature - check out Donald Fagan's canine's.
Roger Water - In the Flesh - good Pink Floyd production.
Eagles - Hell Freezes Over - cheesy music but great A/V production
Band - The Last Waltz - a classic
For Fun -
Rolling Stones - At the Max - the original IMAX movie
Rolling Stones - 4 Flixs - 3 venues of their concerts
Led Zeppelin (3 disc Set) -a classic
Sheryl Crow - Rocking the Globe Live