Aimee Mann fans ?

Have you heard the song Aimee does on Jim White's CD "Drill A Hole In That Substrate And Tell Me What You See"? Its the first song: "Static on the Radio". I didn't realize she sang on the CD when I got it. On the second time through I recognized the voice. I think its a great song, but at over 6 minutes we'll probably never hear it on the radio.
Tireguy, glad the SACDs sound good. However, just to clarify, I was recomending the recent vinyl reissue.
It's all good! Cheers,
I should have made my statement more clear! but you are right- It is all good!
She is simply incredible and I agree that her work on the last 2 Till Tuesday albums are to die for. All of her solo work is good too especially " bachelor " and of course the Magnolia soundtrack which has some of Bachelor on it . She fought for creative control and was nearly squashed by greedy suits at the record co but fight she did and went her own way doing her own thing. You have got to respect this woman.
I think that she not only has beautiful voice, but has a very enticing method of "phrasing" her music as well. Isn't she from the Boston area?
All this talk about the previous albums (CDs) got me to dig them all out. Last night I went through "Bachelor #2", "Magnolia" soundtrack, and "I'm With Stupid". Tonight, time permitting, it will be "Everything's Different Now", "Whatever", and "Lost in Space".

I am into vinyl. I'll have to get the MoFi "Lost in Space" album.

I don't have the earlier 'Til Tuesday albums. How do they compare to "Everything's Different Now"?
