Spanish Guitar

My wife loves Spanish Guitar, but we know little about musicians in this genre. I'd like to add some of this music to our collection and learn more about the music itself. Does anyone have recommendations for good quality Spanish Guitar recordings and/or artists?
The late Narciso Yepes is perhaps my favorite guitarist- Spanish or otherwse. With each of his recording there is the sense of a madman and master at one with his instrument. I recently purchased the 5 CD set called "Guitarra espagnola" used from Amazon for around $25. I have found endless enjoyment listening critically and as background while I work. This is the perfect "not background music" background music to play when you have guests. You and your guests will find yourself withdrawing from lively conversations to enjoy a poignant, sweet, or sinister moment with the music. This is a compilation of recordings from the past 20 or 30 years. The quality of the recordings is very good but at times varied. The availability of the compilation is very limited. Get it while you can!
J evege,

Thanks for turning me on to Narciso Yepes' Guitarra espagnola five disc set, I just received it and it's beautiful!

My favorites are:

Andre Segovia
Paco De Lucia

and much more - but those are at my top.
Just stumbled across this thread and would like to turn you guys onto something very cool. Check out Steve Stevens Flamenco A Go-Go. It is an amazing piece of work from a brilliant guitarist.

Glad to see you got the Jason Vieaux disc. I attended a recital of his at Merken Concert Hall in NYC a couple of years ago, he is an outstanding talent and a very nice guy. And an audiophile, he has a Linn Sondek, among other pieces! If you can get his Albeniz disc, it is well worth it, artistically and sonically (that label has audiophile pretentions).

For flamenco, you might also want to listen to Manitas De Plata (sp, I'm sure). Made some recordings on the Vanguard label, one of which I believe was reissued on SACD.

And anything by Andres Segovia, perhaps the greatest classical guitarist of all time. I was fortunate enough to hear him in concert years ago, he was as good as his reputation.